TheĀ Dominate Test Prep Blog

Our comprehensive blog covers all your testing needs -- from study and prep to test day tips, along with the latest newsĀ you need to know about your particular test.

Probabilities for Belmont Stakes 2019 Betting Opportunities gmat gre

When studying for the GMAT or GRE, it's easy to ask yourself: "When will I ever use this in the real world?"

So let's have a little fun.

On Saturday, June 8th, will be the 151st running of the...

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MindFlow Speed Reading Workshop - Save $50 events gmat gre sat

Earlier this week we hosted a free webinar on Time Management, Speed Reading, and Anxiety Relief with special guest trainer Bara Sapir of City Test Prep. If you missed it, the recording is above.


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Learn to Read Faster Without Losing Comprehension (Feb. 5, 2019) gmat gre lsat sat webinars

Would you agree that if you could increase your reading speed, it would help you immensely on whichever standardized test you're taking?

Of course it would. 

Reading faster will help you on...

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The LEGO Approach to Ideal Test Preparation act gmat gre sat

Tell me if this sounds familiar.

You've been studying like crazy for your standardized test (whether SAT, ACT, GMAT, or GRE), and you feel like you've brushed up on all of the key concepts that...

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Advanced Quant Tip: Think about what you DON'T want to reveal what you DO gmat gre

There's a quote attributed to the famous Renaissance artist Michaelangelo, supposedly in response to a fan who asked Michaelangelo how he was able to sculpt such a masterpiece in "David" out of a...

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Factorials Demystified gmat gre

What are factorials?

Factorials are among the more advanced math topics you'll be expected to know on the GMAT or GRE, especially if you're shooting for a high score. They most commonly come up in...

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3 ways to get a higher score with less study time gmat gre lsat sat

You've no doubt heard the adage that "practice makes perfect." But that's not necessarily true. I prefer the legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi's variation that goes, "Perfect...

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GRE Bootcamp - Register Now! (Sept. 22-23, 2018) gre

Texas A&M University - Central Texas has teamed up with Dominate Test Prep to offer an intensive, one-weekend online "bootcamp" course for the GRE September 22-23, 2018.

If your preparation for...

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GRE Probability Workshop (July 24, 2018) gre webinars

Understanding probability isn't just important for improving your odds at the Blackjack table in Las Vegas. It's also important if you want a high GRE Quant score, as many of the more challenging...

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Reading Comprehension Webinar for GMAT & GRE (Dec. 12, 2017) gmat gre webinars

I have a confession to make.

But first, let me jump to the punchline. I'm excited to partner with standardized test prep expert Brandon Royal (author of Ace the GMAT and The Little Red Writing Book...

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