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Executive Assessment Prep: Top 3 Mistakes to Avoid (and What to Do Instead)

emba executive assessment mba Feb 25, 2021
avoid these mistakes on the Executive Assessment exam

We spend a lot of time in our courses and coaching sessions teaching students what to do (content review, test-taking strategies, how-to's and methodologies, etc.).

But what about what not to do?

When it comes to preparing for the Executive Assessment, there are three (3) common mistakes that students regularly make that hold them back from achieving a high EA score.

Fortunately, they're all easily avoidable.

In this free video lesson, we walk you through each of the three common Executive Assessment pitfalls. More importantly, we teach you what to do instead -- including specific strategies, with detailed examples, that will empower you to get more right answers on test day.

Watch it HERE:

Whether you're just beginning to study for the Executive Assessment or your test day is right around the corner, the key mindsets and strategies that we teach in this video will put you in a better position to achieve your target score so that you can get into the business program of your choice.

Note: This is the first video in a 3-part "Executive Assessment Mastery" series. To be alerted when the next two episodes are released, be sure to subscribe to our Dominate Test Prep YouTube channel. The videos will only be available there.

To register for our Complete Executive Assessment Prep Course, visit


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