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Updated Timeline for the New GMATā„¢ Focus Edition

gmat gmat focus edition Mar 31, 2023
GMAT Focus Edition - student thinking

The GMAC released additional guidance this week about the timeline for the new GMAT™ Focus Edition exam.

It's still not very specific, but it provides at least a little more clarity that should help you as you're planning your GMAT prep and MBA application schedule.

Specifically, here's what they've announced in terms of official prep materials, registration, and appointment availability:

  • Official prep guides available — Late Q2 2023
  • Registration opens — Q3 2023
  • Testing starts — Q4 2023

There will be a few months of overlap once the new GMAT™ Focus Edition launches where students will still have the option of taking the current GMAT. That's expected to remain available through Q1 2024.

If you're on pace to take the GMAT during that overlap period, let us know and we'll help you make the best decision about which version to go with. And of course once all of the final details about the new exam are available, we'll put the finishing touches on our GMAT™ Focus Edition Prep Course that you can use to fully prepare for the new exam, if that's the version you decide to take.

In the meantime, you can register for our Complete GMAT Prep Course to take the guesswork out of preparing for the current GMAT exam. It appears that nearly everything on today's GMAT will translate to the new GMAT™ Focus Edition, so you'll get a head start preparing for that exam if you get started with our GMAT course now.

If you want to stay current on all things GMAT™ Focus Edition, get on our e-mail list where we provide updates and free content specifically for the new GMAT.



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