Changes Are Coming to the GMAT in July... Are You Ready? (June 21, 2017)
Jun 20, 2017
In case you missed the news, the GMAC recently announced some changes to the GMAT that will affect your test-taking experience starting on July 11, 2017.
Specifically, the GMAC is introducing a new feature that they're calling "Select Section Order," which is exactly what it sounds like. Designed to give candidates more flexibility in customizing their GMAT experience, "Select Section Order" will enable you to choose the order in which you complete the four sections of the GMAT exam.
Pretty interesting, huh?
But the real question is, what does it mean for you?
Is this even good news? Is one section order better than another? What if you're scheduled to take the GMAT before July 11th but like the idea of navigating the sections in a different order? And how should you decide which order to pick?
I'm going to answer all of these questions -- and more -- in a special Facebook Live broadcast this Wednesday, June 21st at 1:00pm Eastern Time U.S. (10:00am Pacific).
WHAT: Facebook Live discussion about the new changes coming to the GMAT effective July 11th, 2017
DATE: Wednesday, June 21, 2017
TIME: 1:00pm Eastern Time U.S. (12:00pm Central, 11:00am Mountain, 10:00am Pacific)
WHERE: Dominate the GMAT's Facebook Page:
To hear what I have to say about this important change to the GMAT exam, all you have to do is go to the Dominate the GMAT Facebook Page ( at 1:00pm EST on Wednesday and listen in!
Note: You might want to go there now and click the "Like" button so that Facebook sends you an alert once I go live.
And if you have any questions about Select Section Order that you want to make sure I address, post them on our Facebook wall and I'll be sure to address them during the live discussion.
Talk to you soon!