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Preparing for Your Test ā€” and Future ā€” Amid COVID-19 [Ep. 19]

gmat gre lsat podcast Mar 24, 2020

As with most industries, the standardized test and college/graduate admissions industries continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. With exams being postponed, test centers closing, and admissions deadlines being pushed back, test takers face a new level of uncertainty as they're preparing for test day and thinking about their futures.

In this episode of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast, we address those challenges head-on, help you make sense of the current landscape, and empower you with practical next steps as you're preparing for your standardized test. You can listen to it here:


Specifically, we lay out a game plan for test-takers who fall into each of these four categories:

  1. Category 1: Candidates who weren't scheduled to take their exam for a few months anyway
  2. Category 2: Candidates who have had their test date pushed back because of cancellations or test center closures
  3. Category 3: Candidates who are trying to decide whether to reschedule their test amid the uncertainty, even if their local test center is still open
  4. Category 4: Candidates who haven't yet begun studying and are wondering whether now is the right time to get started

Beyond helping you answer these important questions, we also look beyond test preparation and discuss ways that you can move past the fear and anxiety that so many people are dealing with and continue moving powerfully toward your goals, dreams, and career aspirations. "This too shall pass," as they say, and we want to make sure that you're equipped to be in the best position possible once the "new normal" arrives.


As referenced during the "Current Landscape" segment of this episode, here are some websites that you can consult for the latest on test center closures, exam reschedules, and more.

  1. GMAT test center closures, special procedures, and FAQs
  2. News about the March LSAT cancellation
  3. SAT Coronavirus updates
  4. ACT reschedule updates
  5. GRE testing postponements in the Americas
  6. News about the take-from-home option for the GRE
  7. Live updates on the COVID-19 impact on business schools


“Courage is being scared to death... but saddling up anyway.” — John Wayne

As always, be sure to subscribe to the podcast so that you're alerted when new episodes drop each week. If you like what you hear, please write a favorable review. And if there's a topic you want us to cover in an upcoming episode, let us know. We'll do our best to work it in. Thanks for listening!


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