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Introducing "The Dominate Test Prep Podcast' - Now Available!

podcast Oct 09, 2019

I've been absolutely dying to share some exciting news with you, and everything is finally ready to let you in on something HUGE that we've been working on here at Dominate Test Prep...

... drum roll please ...

... "The Dominate Test Prep Podcast" is now LIVE and ready for you to start consuming! You can find it anywhere you get your podcasts (search "Dominate Test Prep") or by clicking on this image:

Now I know what you might be thinking: "Wait, I didn't even know that you were working on a podcast!"

That's because I wanted to get all my ducks in a row and make sure I had some killer content published and out there for you to start listening to right away. And now I do. I know you'll get a ton of value from the five episodes that are already live:

  1. Top 3 Prep Tips for Any Standardized Test
  2. 5 Proven Study Habits for a Higher Score on Test Day
  3. Framework for a Successful Grad School Application (with Linda Abraham)
  4. On the New Digital LSAT and a Good Ham Sandwich (with Dave Hall)
  5. Test Mastery Part 1: The Success Triad + Time Management Tips

Notice that Episode 5 is the first in a 2-part series I'm doing on "Test Prep Mastery." Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so that you're alerted when Part 2 drops, where we'll be diving even deeper and looking at how to create a customized study plan tailored to your own strengths and weaknesses. I know you're going to love it.

Now, you might also be thinking: Why a podcast?

Well what else are you going to listen to when you have 30 minutes to kill on the treadmill? Dance music can wait -- you've got an important test to dominate!

No, but seriously, it's something I've been thinking about doing for a while but wanted to make sure I had a clear picture of what it would offer beyond the other avenues I already provide to help you prepare for your exam. My vision is finally clear, and I'm super excited about it.

First, the podcast will enable me to provide you with an even more robust look at some of the tangential but equally-important aspects of your test preparation. In doing so, I'll be able to expose you to new perspectives as I invite guest trainers to share their expertise. For example, in Episode 6 you'll hear from a really gifted private tutor who specializes in helping students break through their sticking points. He'll weigh in on how to create a customized study plan, the second part of the series I mentioned earlier.

Second, I want to be able to go beyond test preparation with you and help you dominate the other parts of the application process as well. Yes, we're the Dominate Test Prep Podcast. So you'll get plenty of test preparation tips and strategies, I promise. But I'm also going to be tackling other aspects of graduate admissions so that you have everything you need to get accepted to your target school. I just interviewed an admissions consultant who was formerly the top editor at a major New York consulting firm, for example, and he shared some valuable tips on how to tell your story in a compelling way as you write your admissions essays. That episode is scheduled to come out in a couple weeks, so be on the lookout for that.

Third, I'm going to do an occasional "School Spotlight" where you'll be able to hear first-hand from admissions officers and get a behind-the-scenes look at what life in graduate school is really like so that you're prepared not only to get in, but also to thrive once you're there. I'm really excited about this part of the podcast and think you'll find it to be one of the highlights.

And don't worry, I have plenty more planned to make this podcast must-listen education each week. My goal at Dominate Test Prep is to provide you with everything you need to dominate your exam and get accepted to the school of your choice, and I believe this is another big step in that direction.

Now, while I'm committed to making "The Dominate Test Prep Podcast" a success, there are a few things you can do right now to help me out:

  • Subscribe to the podcast. The more subscribers we have, the higher it will rank in iTunes and Google, and the more people will find it when they search for education and test-prep-related podcasts.
  • Listen to each new episode. Even if the topic doesn't look like something you're interested in, there's probably something in there that you'll find helpful. At the very least, skip ahead to the "From the Mailbag" segment at the end where I answer a commonly-asked question from one of my students. There's a good chance my response will be relevant to you as well.
  • Give us a 5-star rating. Only if you think it's good, of course. But I'm confident you will. So click all five of those stars.... and then write a written review while you're at it.
  • Spread the word. Believe it or not, there aren't really any other quality test prep podcasts out there right now. And yet, listening to auditory content is a great way to leverage your prep time while you're at the gym or commuting to work when watching my videos isn't very practical (keep those eyes on the road!). So make sure your colleagues know about this new resource. They'll thank you, and so will I.

I really appreciate your support in helping to launch this new project. Truly. I have to be honest, it's a little nerve-wracking putting myself out there like this. As excited as I've been to finally bring this to you, now that it's out there... well, there's really no putting the genie back in the bottle, is there? But having your support makes it a lot easier and means the world to me. So thank you.

And, I am anxious to hear what you think. What do you like? What could be improved? Which aspects are you finding most relevant and helpful? And what topics do you want to see me cover in the future? I have a ton of episode ideas already but am definitely open to suggestions, so please don't hesitate to pass them along.

Alright, that's all for now. Check back each week for details about that week's episode. Enjoy the podcast and study hard!


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