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9 Ways to Avoid Making Careless Errors [Ep. 11]

podcast Dec 04, 2019

Even the highest scorers on standardized tests get questions wrong.

Sometimes you get questions wrong because you simply don't know or remember the underlying content well enough.

Sometimes it's because you didn't employ the proper strategy.

But sometimes you get wrong answers because you make careless errors — and those are the most frustrating because they can be avoided in most cases.

In this episode of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast, we show you nine (9) ways that you can avoid making careless mistakes on test day, thereby increasing the number of questions you get right and boosting your overall score. Check it out:


This is a long show, so here are some timing benchmarks you can use if you want to jump around or need to come back and pick up where you left off:

0:00 - Introduction

4:43 - Four reasons why you make careless errors in the first place

8:32 - Strategy #1 for avoiding careless errors

13:10 - Strategy #2 for avoiding careless errors

18:11 - Strategy #3 for avoiding careless errors

22:04 - Strategy #4 for avoiding careless errors

25:46 - Strategy #5 for avoiding careless errors

31:16 - Strategy #6 for avoiding careless errors

35:16 - Strategy #7 for avoiding careless errors

41:58 - Strategy #8 for avoiding careless errors

44:40 - Strategy #9 for avoiding careless errors

51:52 - Action Steps


Here are the books, studies, and other resources mentioned in this show.

  1. Into the Magic Shop, by Dr. James Doty, M.D.
  2. Study: "40-second green roof views sustain attention: The role of micro-breaks in attention restoration"
  3. Article: "Short-term memory duration and capacity"
  4. YouTube: Top 4 GMAT Math Strategies
  5. YouTube: Top 4 GRE Math Strategies
  6. Comprehensive GMAT prep course
  7. Comprehensive GRE prep course
  8. Online course: Non-standard GMAT math strategies
  9. Online course: Non-standard GRE math strategies

As always, be sure to subscribe to the podcast so that you're alerted when new episodes drop each week. If you like what you hear, please write a favorable review. And if there's a topic you want us to cover in an upcoming episode, let us know. We'll do our best to work it in. Thanks for listening!


“How you do anything is how you do everything.” — T. Harv Eker



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