GRE Analytical Writing Course
The famous novelist Stephen King said this in his memoir about the craft of writing: "The scariest moment is always just before you start."
You may feel that way about the two essays you have to write as part of the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) on the GRE. How should you begin? What should you say? What are the readers looking for, and what do you need to do to get a high essay score on your GRE?
That's the purpose of this course -- to teach you everything you need to know to write effective "Analysis of an Issue" and "Analysis of an Argument" essay tasks on test day. There is a lot of advanced work you need to do before writing your first words, including coming up with thoughtful and compelling supporting examples, organizing your paragraphs logically, learning to write with fluidity, and overall knowing how to analyze a logical argument and pull supporting examples from numerous disparate sources. After taking this course, you'll know how to do all of that and more -- and you can prove Stephen King wrong because there won't be anything scary at all about diving in to your GRE essays on test day!
Here's what's included in this course:
- 6 video lessons totaling 1.5 hours covering all aspects of the GRE Analytical Writing Assessment;
- Detailed review of the 0-6 point scoring scale and explanation of what the readers are looking for in a perfect essay;
- How you should use your scratch paper and what you should do before writing your first words;
- The "Sandwich Method" for organizing your essays;
- Logic 101 - Understanding the parts and common patterns of logical arguments;
- How to identify an author's assumptions so that you can strengthen or weaken an argument by supporting or attacking those assumptions;
- Classroom-style discussion of sample Issue and Argument essay tasks;
- Quiz to test your understanding of the major teaching points taught in the course;
- Printouts including 50 sample Issue tasks and 50 sample Argument tasks;
- Sample "Analysis of an Issue" and "Analysis of an Argument" prompts for you to practice writing effective essays in under 30 minutes.
- And more!
So what are you waiting for? Click the "Purchase Offer" button over on the right and add this course to your GRE course library so that you're equipped to dominate the Analytical Writing section of the GRE!